Lagoon Appearing on Quilting Arts TV on PBS

purple pinwheel Lagoon quilt
I have been waiting forever to show this quilt to you.  I am calling it Lagoon for it's watery palette of color and the large pinwheels that make me think of gently flowing water. Lagoon edited full shot
At the beginning of this 2012, Penny McMorris (co-founder and vice-president of Electric Quilt) contacted me about guesting along with her on a segment for Quilting Arts TV with host Pokey Bolton.  She proposed a design challenge that we present on the segment of the show.  [For behind the scenes shots and an account of my first TV appearance, go here.]
pan Lagoon quilt

The challenge: both of us started with the same basic block.  Then independently, we used EQ7 to create a new block design based upon the original. Also, we created several quilt top designs.  The segment demonstrates some of the interesting ways that quilts can be designed on the computer - before you cut up your fabric.  Both Penny and I chose one quilt design to make into a sample.  Lagoon is the product of this fun experiment!
corner Lagoon quilt
Look closely!  Although there was no reason, I was particularly nervous about making everything perfect on this quilt.  Hey, if the camera adds 10 pounds, who knows how it makes a quilt look? You have never seen such a fine example of squareness and precise binding from this woman.   
Lagoon close up quilting edited

Check out Quilting Arts TV Episode 1107.  Below I have the little teaser video clip that introduces this episode.

Quilt Stats.
Name: Lagoon
Size: 65" x 65"
Design: pixelated block design and layout by me
Fabric:  Robert Kaufman Konas in greens, blues, and purples on Kona White.
Piecing:  Me
Quilting: Beany of Quilty Pleasures

(Thank you so much to Robert Kaufman for providing the Kona Cottons for this project.  And also a huge Thank You to Penny McMorris for asking me to join her - it was such a fun experience!)