Holland Breeze Quilt Finish: FLANNEL backed quilt!

Ruby quilt close up
Here she is... this larger-than-I-expected beauty.  I'm not sure why I was surprised at her size though.  She's a brick house with 16" blocks.

Holland Breeze has blocks made for me by the {Sew} Beautiful Bee ladies in 2011.  This finish is looooong overdue.  For some reason, these blocks ended up on my UFO table, until a thought of warm cozy flannel crossed my mind.
Ruby quilt full shot
I first saw Ruby in FLANNEL at the Fabric Shack almost a year ago.  I guess it stuck with me because it was one of those moments where you sit up straight in bed in the middle of the night,  "FLANNEL!", that I decided to use it.
Ruby quilt flannel back
Above is a shot of the flannel goodness.  This was the first time I used quilt shop quality flannel.  Let me tell you - it's a lot heavier than flannel at Joann's.  This quilt is SO warm and solid.  :)  It's my new favorite of course.
Ruby quilt label
My budget didn't allow me to spend more $ on binding fabric, so I ended up using the extra cutoff after quilting.  I don't think I'd use flannel for binding again.  Because it is so thick, it was a little hard to work with since I still made double-fold binding.  (I remembered to put a tag label on this one.  I am the world's worst quilt labeler....)
Ruby quilt fence
The boys have been using it as a tent, and it's nice since the 3 of them and I can all fit underneath it.
Squeaking this finish in before the end of the year.  :)

Quilt Stats.
Name: Holland Breeze
Size: 66" x 89"
Design: Dutch Pinwheel - 16" finished block
Fabric:  Ruby and Bliss by Bonnie & Camille; Kona in Ice Frappe
Piecing: {Sew} Beautiful Bee 2011 and Me
Quilting: LAQ Beany of Quilty Pleasures